Saturday, October 1, 2011

I'm going to Ecuador?!

If someone would have told me two years ago that I would be studying abroad in Ecuador one day, I probably would have laughed in their face. Even after signing up and filling out all the paperwork for the trip last semester, I didn’t know if it was really going to happen; after all, since there were such a low number of sign-ups, the trip almost got completely cancelled. Now that all of the wrinkles are ironed over and the trip is almost here, I’m literally jumping out of my shoes. It’s funny how life can throw a hurdle in your way, and yet, once it is overcome, reaching your goal becomes that much sweeter.

I cannot begin to describe just how blessed I feel to be going on this trip. My dad was nice enough to hire me to work teaching summer camp at his karate school so that I would be able to go. I worked 50 hours a week this summer just to save up enough money to study abroad: 10 weeks of work for 10 weeks in Ecuador. It seemed like a good enough trade-off for me. . It’s funny how life can throw hurdles in your way, and yet, once they are overcome, reaching your goal becomes that much sweeter. Now, all of my hard work is about to pay off! Ecuador, here I come!

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